The Future of American Manufacturing

Speaker will discuss the resurgence of manufacturing jobs in America, emphasizing the need for education, workforce training, and apprenticeships, and the COVID-19 pandemic's role in protecting health and national security.
July 11, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM PDT | 01:30 PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes
IMG Michele Nash Hoff
Id: 7001
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Michele Nash will bust the myths and misconceptions surrounding the future of manufacturing in America and highlight the resurgence of manufacturing jobs in America, emphasizing that they are neither dull, dirty, nor dangerous. With the rise of reshoring and advanced manufacturing, there is a notable upswing in manufacturing within the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the critical role of domestic manufacturing in safeguarding the health and welfare of Americans, as well as national security. However, amidst this era of creative disruption, adequate preparation for the evolving manufacturing landscape is lacking. 

Michele will spotlight the abundant opportunities in manufacturing, valued in billions of dollars, poised to create millions of jobs. To harness these opportunities, a concerted effort is needed to equip individuals with the necessary skills through education, workforce training, and apprenticeships. Moreover, bringing manufacturing back to the United States holds the potential to mitigate global pollution, given the nation's comparatively eco-friendly production practices.   If a company wants to achieve sustained growth and competitiveness. it is imperative to locate manufacturing centers in the United States to take advantage of the country’s largest consumer market in the world.

Why you should Attend:

Ever since the COVID pandemic started in 2020, we have suffered from disruptions in supply chains for many products used in our daily lives as well as products and components needed for our consumer products, industrial, and defense industries.  Why?  Because we stopped making things in the USA. We outsourced everything from household goods to high tech products, as well as pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Our domestic innovation capacity is contingent on a robust and diversified industrial base. Our loss of manufacturing capabilities has led to a loss in innovation capacity, and we are no longer self-sufficient in producing the goods and systems needed to defend our country.  Our national security and freedom as an independent country is at risk. The geopolitical risks we face with China, North Korea, and Russia are causing manufacturing to rethink where there supply chains should be located.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Why manufacturing jobs are no longer as dirty, dangerous, or dumb
  • How Industry 4.0 technologies are helping manufacturers be more productive and competitive
  • How 3D Printing/Additive manufacturing are helping companies produce quality parts faster and cheaper
  • Are manufacturers Reshoring?
  • What has been the effect of the Chips Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and Infrastructure bill 
  • Why we need to shift the mindset from a prevailing worldview of ‘inevitable decline’ of American manufacturing to one of ‘vibrant opportunity
  • What are some of the vibrant opportunities

Who Will Benefit:

  • Owners and/or Managers of Original Equipment Manufacturers, job shop companies, contract manufacturers, and companies providing secondary operations and services to all of the above
  • CEOs/CFOs/Presidents 
  • Vice Presidents
  • Supply chain professionals
  • Professors for business and engineering majors at universities and colleges 
  • Workforce development agencies and companies

Speaker Profile

Michele Nash Hoff is founder and president of ElectroFab Sales, a sales agency specializing in helping manufacturers select the right processes for their products.

She is a director on the board of the San Diego Inventors Forum, on the Advisory Board of the American R & D Institute, as well as an advisor to the board of the San Diego chapter of SME.

Michele is the author of Rebuild Manufacturing – the key to American Prosperity, which is a sequel to the 2009 and 2012 edition of Can American Manufacturing Be Saved? Why We Should and How We Can available at She writes blog articles for

Michele earned a B. A. from San Diego State University and is a 1994 graduate of San Diego’s leadership program (LEAD San Diego). She earned a certificate in Total Quality Management in 1993 and a Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma in 2014.